Graphic Web Designer (2016-2018)
Brereton Jewellers was established in 1916 and the business has a chain of three stores located in Dublin, Ireland. The jewellery range includes diamond rings, engagement rings, silver jewellery, watches, antiques and specialises in diamonds. With over 100 years of jewellery experience, Brereton Jewellers offer their customers some of the finest diamonds and jewellery in Ireland today.
This job was the first step in my career, I started as a graphic web designer. This experience taught me the importance of hierarchy and layout and the impact visual cues help drive traffic to a sales funnel on the website.

My Role
Graphic Web Designer
Creating and updating content for the e-commerece website.
Working with SEOs
Copywright for the products and website
Editing and retouching jewellery products
Website graphics
Update social media platforms
Pinterest - increased monthly views to 150k+
Facebook & Instagram - photos and products
Google My Business - photos and products

Product Page

Product selection page

Full size product image

Selected producted page
Content Pages
The Brereton Jewellers website wanted to use their platform to educate their customers about jewellery, diamonds, gemstones and weddings. Graphics, photography and text were used to create these images.

Some examples of graphics created

Education page

Wedding Anniversaries Gifts

Glossary of Jewellery Terms - graphics created to explain

Social Media
Instagram is used to show new jewellery, gift ideas (Christmas, Valentine's Day, Birthdays etc.). I photograph the products using my phone and edit them in Photoshop. We tagged the products with the website, to allow the customers find more information on the product. This helped drive customers to the website.
Hover over some of the images to see the before and after edit photo

Pinterest is used to promote the jewellery within a themed board such as '2019 Autumn Wedding' or 'Summer Outfit Ideas'. Each pin of the jewellery links to the website and we get a lot of engagements from promoting the jewellery that way, especially videos. I have increased the monthly views by 150k.

Product photos are photographed then edited in Photoshop. Each ring product consists of 4 images - front ring, side ring and two model images. Watches, earrings, bracelets and pendants include other type of images.