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Android Game

'Turtley' is an Android game available on the GooglePlay store. The game is about a turtle called Turtley who is on an adventure to get to the treasure at the bottom of the deep blue sea. On the way, Turtley will meet different enemies and helpful sea creatures to achieve each level. This game was created in a team of two on GameSalad in my Masters.  

Turtley Game Level 1
Artboard Copy 4.png
Project Specs

This project was undertaken over the course of 6 weeks with weekly presentations. We had many challenges with the software - Game Salad which we had to use.

Artboard Copy.png
The Team

I undertook this project with my teammate for my MSc in Creative Digital Media & UX with a Specialisation in Interaction Design. 

The User

Our user aim was young people who liked fun games. 

Programs used throughout the project
Adobe Illustrator
Game Salad
Adobe Premier Pro
Adobe Photoshop

Brief For Game

We had to create three levels using the program GameSalad to code and Illustrator/Photoshop to create the illustrations. For each level, we sketched out our ideas, then used GameSalad to create the layout and Photoshop/Illustrator to create each asset. 

Illustrated bubbles
Fun game for anyone
to play especially
young people.
Clear UI to allow the user progress throughout
the game.
Use enemies and awards to keep the player interested in all the levels.
Use illustrations and colour to create a fun game. 
Brief for Game
Sea illustration
Turtley Game Map
Turtley game level 1 illustrations
Turtley Game Plan

Graphical Elements

UI Design
UI buttons for the game Turtley
Turtley the turtle swimming gif


Electricute illustration


Character illustration on fire gif

Caught by fire

Pufferfish illustration gif


Crab illustration


Bird illustration gif


Octopus illustration


Game Screens

The game screen were consistent throughout the game using a purple and navy to show the instructions screens, yellow for the UI buttons. The game is very colourful, because of this we needed to have a consistent UI palette to let the user know what screen they're on. 

Over the course of the project, we did many user testing sessions. This feedback was very valuable when improving the game. The buttons and text were consistently being improved after each testing session. Designing the right amount of detail on the characters and shading on the UI buttons was a challenge. We did many design iterations to get it right because once the files were imported to Game Salad the quality was lost a bit.

Game Screens
Opening game screen for Turtley
Level screen showing three active in the Turtley game
Instruction screen for level 1 for the game Turtley
End Win Screen for the game Turtley

Promo Video

Promo Video

Final Thoughts

This was a very interesting project from many different points. We had to create a new level every two weeks and work as a team on getting it done while doing a presentation on it every week to show our progress.


The main challenge of the project was GameSalad. The program became very restricting and glitchy which was very frustrating but we were able to learn what we couldn't do with our limitations. It was certainly a learning process and made us learn how to deal with image sizes, images for animations, gifs and UX in game design.

Clam illustration gif
Final Thoughts

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